Page name: Bad Spellers Unite!!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-21 20:06:39
Last author: Cloudwatcher
Owner: Cloudwatcher
# of watchers: 17
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   This is a page deticated to those bad spellers who know it and are proud! we will someday rule the world, and our extream mad skillz at spelling we allow us to comunicate through letters, with great...great...(difficulty) ^_^ I am a badspeller and all who have talked to me, know so! I cant type very well also, that dosent help! people who can spell are rediculas..AH! I dont know how to spell!!! oh, thats the point...good show all!


1. To join just put your name (the link)
2. Show your bad spellers pride!(how ever you feel is likewize)
3.Please advertise this wiki with a banner, and a statement in your discription!! (with a link of course)


Wiki members : Bad Spellers Unite Members

OVER 100 MEMBERS!!!!! <'cheers'>

Clever Spellers Army for those who dont fit in here

YE the CoNfUzZeLd Club for those confuzzeld bad spelelrs^^ whatever that means....

Username (or number or email):


[Teir'Dal]: perfect for you all! people who don't know how to spell!! the wiki where everyone spells badly on purpose! its really hard to tell even what your own writing says sometimes!

[Cloudwatcher]: lol

[Dark Trance]: nice

[lenardo]: cool

[Dark Trance]: sounds fun though

[lenardo]: if u like Shawn Michales go to my wiki HBK fans

[Cloudwatcher]: have no idea who that is...^^;

[CelticMoon]: ditto lol

[lenardo]: he is a wrestler

[Cloudwatcher]: got bad it doesnt mean anything to i am not into wrestling at all

[topaz dragon]: just one question...what has the banner to do with bad spellers?? hehe

[Cloudwatcher]: lol not one thing but the name of the wiki...but it looks cool now doesnt it?

[topaz dragon]: lol ok :D yeah it does look cool ^_^

[CelticMoon]: ill make you another if you like but i will have to be on friday you get it

[Cloudwatcher]: another banner? i you think we need one?

[lenardo]: new poll

[CelticMoon]: well ...... you can never have anoth banners lol

[Cloudwatcher]: lol i suppose....

[Dark Trance]: somebody's got the banner? kool

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i';m bac haven't seen u guys in ssssooooo long *hugs evryone * i love hugs , hugs all around!!!!!

[Dark Trance]: *hides in shadows*

[Cloudwatcher]: i am so lost! what do you mean someones got the banner? O_O i am so cunfused!...welcome back skyoskatepunk!

[CelticMoon]: ((((((((((((((BIG HUGE HUGS))))))))))))))))))

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol i'm not gonna bite artic *goes in the shadows with him* ahhh i love the dark !!!! * pulls out a botlle of vodka* want some or anyone else?

[CelticMoon]: .... ::pulls the bottle of white wine she had been supping and hidding:: ill joine you :D tis my birthday so of course im gonna get pissed

[Cloudwatcher]: my birthday was the 8th!!!!!!! w00000000!!!! lol

[Ravenclaw]: Mine is the 15th

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: yay ! then happy birthday all *goes around and gives everybody 2 dollas * srry thats all i got rite now i'm kinda poor!!!!!!!!! ^_^

[Cloudwatcher]: wowo lotza march birthdays! on the 8th there was 150 people having a birthday!!! O_o

[Ravenclaw]: Cool thanks *Takes the $2*

[CelticMoon]: i dident chek mine ... was was the 9th

[Cloudwatcher]: i dont remember the number..(since i normaly look) or i would tell you

[CelticMoon]: dousent metter ... theres always next year lol

[Cloudwatcher]: lol yea ^_____^

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: =D i wuv gir!!!!!!!!! who likes gir??!!!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: gir baby gir..LOL

[Dark Trance]: Happy late b-day i haven't been on the comp the way im a CHICK!

[Cloudwatcher]: er..did we say you wernt?

[CelticMoon]: .... think its just for future reference lol

[Cloudwatcher]: lol good to know!! i am a chick to!! w00t!

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol me too srry arctic

[Cloudwatcher]: lol :p

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: g\*giggles* ^_^

[Cloudwatcher]: =^_^=

[Cloudwatcher]: omG!! every one vote for my contest!!!<poll:48633>~ Angel Contest PLEASE!! =^_^=

[Dark Trance]: wassap

[Cloudwatcher]: da sky O-o

[CelticMoon]: clouds

[Cloudwatcher]: i want it to rainnnn!!!!! >_o

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: gggrrrr it rained almost all weekend!!!! but i did enjoy watch it,because when i go to bed and it's raining or snowing i watch it for an hour or two and eventually fall asleep.......

[Cloudwatcher]: i would have liked it onlt

[Cloudwatcher]: i would have liked it only rained here a little

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: oohh but i do love the rain, especially when i get caught in the rain like i'm walking and all of the sudden it's starts to like daown pour......and i like to dance in the rain on the top of my hill where the water is most cleaner then at the bottom of the hill..! god i'm wierd..

[Cloudwatcher]: omg! i love it when that happenes! sometimes i beg the clouds to rain and they makes me sad..if your weird i must be to

[CelticMoon]: i HATE raine ... its spring and it hasent stopped ...bloody wet stuff

[CelticMoon]: ::sings loudly:: at the end of every week each one of us becomes a freak , tomite the DJ makes us move as the sweat drips from the roof , the speaker systems makes the sound and all the lights start spinning round all the people on the floor they shake there bodys and beg for more

[CelticMoon]: ... sorry lol a bit of Special D madness there

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol . hey Kristen we're weirdos lol

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *forms bac to wolf fomr and howls* aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: lol yay!!!!!! a wiki full of weirdos...i want it to thunderstorm sooooooooooooo baaaaaaadddddd!!!! and its not gunna, clear skies!!!! dammit!!!

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: There are no good places for me to vent.... *Punches wall* Stupid stupid, I have to do something otherwise someone in my house is going to get hurt even if I don't mean it....

[Cloudwatcher]: go outside and walk around, thats a good place to vent..or just randomly type in a word program what you feel, it could help

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: or what always helps me is drawing or if ur extremely angry i take a tennis ball and a baseball glove and go outside and throw the ball against the wall as hard as i arn\m hurts after a while but good way to vent^_^ hope u feel better

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hhhhmmm... i want it to rain to!

[Cloudwatcher]: ^_________________^ rain is goooood

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol a Yep it is 

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *does a little jig , as it starts to rain* yay rain hey kristen come dance in the rain with me! *starts dancing and prancing everywhere*

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: wow kristen ur a really good drawer i ;like ur art^_^ ...*sighs* my scanner doesn't work so i can't put any of my pistures on my pAGE....o well

[Cloudwatcher]: <dances in the rain with [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]> ^________^ thanks, my scanner really stinks though lol

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol yea at least ur waorks..a little mines don't work at all *pouts* o well omg so yesterday it actually did rain when i types that message of dancing in the rain but i wasn't just rain it was snow too !!!! and then it just sniowed and i was angry because it was cold so i couldn't go out and dacnce in it!!!!!! ggr!

[Cloudwatcher]: aww!!! thats so sad! its to warm here to snow still, but the weather here is really werid...i still have sunny clear skys..>_o

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol i no wat u mean o_O

[CelticMoon]: well im in england ... weathers always odd

[Cloudwatcher]: michigan has very random weather..we have very bad hale storms and stuff in april..

[Dark Trance]: we don't have ne weather

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol that's not cool

[Dark Trance]: lol we have wind

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i like wind .....when it's not blowing shit away from me when i drop it!

[CelticMoon]: i hate wind it messes my haire up and it takes ages to get right then you step outside and VOOM the wind bloody buggers it up lol

[Dark Trance]: on the walk home the other day in the desert remember this...i got caught in a wind storm then a dust storm then rain

[CelticMoon]: OMG lol you must have looked like youd been draged through a bush backwards lol

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: that sucks *hugs artic* that must have been bad...although i wouldn't mind getting cought in a rain storm, i love getting couaght in the rain!

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: lol omg that's good that made me hace a good chuckle

[CelticMoon]: lol

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *yawns* i'm sooo tired *forms bac to wolf,jumps on artic's lap, curls up and falls asleep* .......*low snores*

[Dark Trance]: i did look like i almost got killed lol the rain wasn't so bed tho

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe i love rain!!!!!!* junps in a big puddle*

[Dark Trance]: there weren't ne puddles tho

[Cloudwatcher]: it thunderstormed today!!!!!!! i was SOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!

[lenardo]: my power went out

[Cloudwatcher]: mine did the other like 3 in the was annoying i had to get up and reset my clock so i would wake up in time for school

[lenardo]: mine did 2

[Cloudwatcher]: annoying no?

[lenardo]: yes i was in the middle of a game

[Cloudwatcher]: aw that sux

[lenardo]: i know

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: oo no puddles that's not cool ! grr ...any way scool had a black out the other day because they r ghetto and don't pay the electric bill so i wanted to go home like a lot of the other people that did but i didn't have a cell phone so i couldn't when we went inside(the power still off) i used my teacher's cell phone and called my mom and asked if i could come home..she said i could come home but my principal wouldn't let me leave if my parents we'rent going to pick me up so i had to stay in class with 3 other people in our class for the resyt of the day and i was ssooop iseed off that i punched a wall and my nuckle started to beed , all in all it was a bad day even i missed firs

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: st period i didn't no u couldn't type that much *giggles*

[Cloudwatcher]: lol sounds like a interesnting and fistrating day

[Dark Trance]: yeah it does

[LittleSati]: OK This winki owns! =)

[Cloudwatcher]: w00t! :D thanks

[CelticMoon]: GGGRRRRRRRRRRRR STRESS STRESS STRESSS ..... just come home iv just had my English Lit GCSE and greatly the exam finished but sadly it dident waite for me to catch up (dont know wether to laugh histericly of cry lol)

[CelticMoon]: HAY PEEPS IF ANY OF YOU ARE ON ELFPACK COULD YOU PLEZZZZZZ DO ME A FAVOUR AND GO TO De'ladrei theres a link there and can you go and vote for her ...... ill love you all for ever

[Smile Sunshine: Someones looking:]: haya tis is so kool mad sppellers re the bes

[gairu]: um.... waz up pepol

[Cloudwatcher]: at the moment i think da sky but i might be mistaken O_o

[CelticMoon]: birds aswell you cant forgett the birds cos if they werent up and if they could stay up then theyed be down and that would just be very messy lol

[Cloudwatcher]: this is true, DEATH TO PIGIONS!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: O_o

[Cloudwatcher]: O_o they are really annoying!

[Wrath Of Loki]: i'm a bad speller!

[Cloudwatcher]: yay so join! ^_^

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i'd be glad toi have u! ohh yeah hey evryone *runs aound giving everyone wicked huge hugs*

[bLoOdStAiN oN sHeEtS]: helo evrione hous it goin

[Cloudwatcher]: <waves to all> hallo

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hey hey hey smoke weed every day

[CelticMoon]: ooooooo your a poet and you dident know it lol

[Cloudwatcher]: bwhahahaha...ha..ha

[CelticMoon]: thats an evil laf if ever iv seen one lol

[I dribble on people]: Can I joyn??? Can I??? Can I???

[Cloudwatcher]: yes u can no need to ask

[I dribble on people]: good coz i already joyned yesterday

[CelticMoon]: lmao .... still nice to be asked hehe

[I dribble on people]: thats what i thought!

[Cloudwatcher]: lol it dosent really matter, ^_^

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: hey how do i joind

[I dribble on people]: MEMBERZ!!!!!!!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: i wanna join

[Cloudwatcher]: hehe

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: i did i joineed

[Cloudwatcher]: congrads

[Cloudwatcher]: are you going to post the banner now? humm?

[Cloudwatcher]: why only maybe? what if it was a requirement of the wiki???? O_O

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: hmmm i did put it up yup yup

[I dribble on people]: ... *runs off and post's the banner* I forgot!

[Cloudwatcher]: heheh ^_^ yay banner!

[Cloudwatcher]: ::tilts head:: is it a good banner? what are your thoughts..

[I dribble on people]: *tilts head* ur... it's good! ^____^

[Cloudwatcher]: ::raises eyebrow::

[I dribble on people]: you raise that eyebrow!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: *raises head*

[Cloudwatcher]: i will..its fun

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: yes it is *nods like he know whats going on* yes it is

[Cloudwatcher]: LoL

[Cloudwatcher]: meow!!!!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: yup meow to you to

[Cloudwatcher]: teheh kitty!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: yup look at the kitty

[Cloudwatcher]: i have a cat on me lap!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: not me there outside being stupid with catnip

[I dribble on people]: Mine's sleeping in my washing basket! ^^'

[Cloudwatcher]: Ya know..its kinnda hard to type with a cat on your lap..

[I dribble on people]: hahaha I know wotchya mean!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: thats all get the cat was following the mouse and attacking it on the puter

[Cloudwatcher]: heheh

[haukka]: hehe.... i just noticed the guy who presents your bad speller looks like me ^^

[I dribble on people]: ... hmmmm ¬¬

[Cloudwatcher]: you mean the banner? O_O

[I dribble on people]: O.O wha?

[Cloudwatcher]: ::is confused:: i was asking [haukka] what they ment...

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: wow u guys have been talkinn alot since i last visited thic page'

[I dribble on people]: *looks back on conversation* why yes we have havn't we!?

[Cloudwatcher]: lol more then normal i suppose..talking is fun eh?

[I dribble on people]: Yeah... usually at school I don't talk... I guess I listen!

[Cloudwatcher]: listening is important, maybe more so then talking ^_-

[Cloudwatcher]: *nods to*

[I dribble on people]: *nods again*

[Cloudwatcher]: *breaks out in head bangs*

[Cloudwatcher]: *stops* opps..sorry <shrugs>

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: mmmhmmm ...sure

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *smiles bigly*

[Cloudwatcher]: bigly hahaha :P

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: good word huh?

[Cloudwatcher]: yes..its a gread word

[Tinkerbell's Temper]: Hey can I join?

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i love making up words!

[Cloudwatcher]: yes you can join [Tinkerbell's Temper] :P no need to ask ^_^

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: aaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: stop being rude to new members!! >.<

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: wat do u mean i am not being rude i'm being dumb!tehehe

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